17 points by FinnLobsien 29 days ago | 3 comments
typs 29 days ago
Interesting article. I think the author though is describing pretty normal market dynamics and seems to be responding to advice from people with more enterprise-y backgrounds. Most B2B SaaS markets have the enterprise players (who nail sales and service) and the SMB players (who nail product led growth and inbound from developers).

Depending on the market and product, players from either side may win the whole thing or it can stay fragmented. Often, eventually, the enterprise players do try and move down-market by building the muscle for product-led growth and hiring developer advocates while the SMB players try and move up market by hiring sales and building out the product to be more enterprise friendly.

In my own industry, it seems like enterprise companies moving down market are having more success, but I can imagine in other markets the opposite is true. In some areas the customer is so valuable that products can keep being built for them, but that’s an open question (that the author seems to be betting on, for now).

thomasjudge 29 days ago
Clickbait is apparently alive & well & thriving though...
leshokunin 29 days ago
It was a great show. Wish they had renewed it for a fifth season. The last one was excellent considering it wrapped up the Augments, the Klingons looking different in TOS, and many more arcs!