CSS Flex https://flexboxfroggy.com/
CSS Grid https://cssgridgarden.com/
CSS selectors https://flukeout.github.io/
On level 20, if I set `position-try-fallbacks: flip-inline;` and drag the anchor to the top, something weird happens: the label stays on top, but is also mirrored below the anchor, except with no text or background, just a border and a translucent frame. Latest Chrome (on Ubuntu, but I don't think that matters here). Is this a Chrome bug? A bug in Anchoreum? In dev tools, it looks like it's an Anchoreum issue, because there's a separate element in the DOM.
Edit: also happens on level 25 without changing anything if I drag the anchor to the left.
Edit 2: ah, I think that area is where you're _supposed to_ place the anchor. It's not very clear from the text.
Fixing CSS would be nice.
Not all browsers implement the same features at the same time. Firefox releases some features before Chrome, so it goes both ways.
Edit: it doesn't mention that `anchor()` can accept an anchor name, which is kind of important for this.
That all these stupid width-basis-fit-minmax-fr-anchor-span combinations boil down to "Σ(aₙxₙ) ≤ b" and a couple of specialized distributors?
How many half-assed incantations and reiterations it will take?
Jesus Christ.
You break the one with the lowest priority. Then another one, until it solves. You may create groups and break whole groups (to e.g. simulate “media” “queries”).
What do you do when there are multiple (usually infinitely many) solutions to the set of constraints?
Add constraints if they are missing, or, in case you wanted it to be underconstrained, allow the mentioned distribution algos to find extremums and allocate “space” accordingly. A naively underconstrained system will solve into just something, whatever. Just like html does something when you write zero css.
More importantly, how do you specify the behavior for those cases such that all browsers behave identically?
In text? I don’t get the question. If a behavior is programmable, it is specifiable. In fact, this specification will take 100x less sentences than the current mess.
it’s a bit more involved than “just run a CSP solver”, and you can still get surprising behavior depending on window size, font size, content size and so on.
Do you have any examples? Feels like simply not true.