303 points by walterbell 2 days ago | 10 comments
walterbell 15 hours ago
> Corellium and their virtual iPhone cloud product (only publicly-available “complete” solution)

Corellium won their legal case, allowing them to rent [1] iOS Cloud VMs for security research, https://hn.algolia.com/?query=corellium

If iOS can be virtualized on Apple Silicon Macbooks, it could reduce demand for commercial iOS virtualization services.

  Individuals: $400/month
  Business: $60,000/year
[1] https://support.corellium.com/subscriptions/pricing
ravetcofx 13 hours ago
my god, $4-$8/hr who is paying for these VMs?
rtpg 9 hours ago
You say that but companies routinely pay projects like Circle CI similar orders of magnitudes for chunkier CI builds (one place I know having builds take 30 minutes.... with 64 shards. Basically paying like 5-10 bucks per commit)

You still gotta do hardware management yourself in other words but CI is good business!

eru 6 hours ago
> Basically paying like 5-10 bucks per commit

Which isn't actually all that much, compared to the amount you pay your developers.

buginprod 3 hours ago
And not much compared to a bug in prod or waiting 3 weeks for a release (the value proposition of CI/CD)

Still, saving cloud spend by making the build faster or using self hosted runners is probably worth it.

wingerlang 4 hours ago
Certainly not paying anyones rent, but I've paid them a couple of bucks over the years to test software on their VMs, since they can come jailbroken out of the box.
saagarjha 12 hours ago
e____g 6 hours ago
No, those people are almost certainly paying far below list price.
Cthulhu_ 1 hour ago
There's probably some enterprise level deals going on there (as with every service provider), but they will still be paying them A Lot of Money every year.
walterbell 11 hours ago
attackers and defenders of zero day vulns in iOS black boxes
ronsor 12 hours ago
This is cheaper than 8xH100 GPU compute time for AI.
sangnoir 12 hours ago
This is such a left-field comparison. One H100 costs $25,000, whereas one Macbook Pro/iMac/iOS device costs roughly a tenth of that. It's not at all surprising that it's cheaper to rent something that has CapEx costs 2 orders of magnitude less than that of 8xH100 ($200k for the GPUs alone).
hamandcheese 10 hours ago
I think the point was a $4-$8/hr VM is pretty small potatoes compared to other common corporate expenses.
sangnoir 9 hours ago
The H100 was a terrible example to support that point because it has a much better (rent vs buy) value proposition.
Almondsetat 6 hours ago
The problem is that H100s are enterprise products while Apple ones aren't. If you have trouble with your H100s how does it compare cost-wise with having trouble with your consumer Apple hardware?
eru 6 hours ago
Depends on the kind of trouble you are having.

Many corner stores can fix a smashed iPhone screen.

smcleod 3 hours ago
You think that's a lot wait until you see what AWS charges for GPU instances...
gorkish 16 hours ago
This is great; for your next trick, can you please figure out how to install MacOS on an iPad so that we can all finally get the dang computer we want Apple to build?
makeitdouble 15 hours ago
walterbell 15 hours ago
> It took two and a half hours for my iPad to crawl through installation.

Jailbroken Apple M1 iPads with iOS16 can use the iOS hypervisor to run VMs without overheating their devices or waiting hours to boot.

Still, we can thank Apple for small mercies like UTM, ashell and iSH.

As a science experiment, Apple could silently launch a "VM store" with $100 VMs, accessible only via hidden URL. How badly do Apple customers want to use the iPad hardware they already purchased? Could Apple customers be extorted into paying for VMs? Will anyone ever ship a competitive tablet running Linux?

acchow 14 hours ago
Apple definitely does not want bad reviews on their iPads because the VMs they are selling are crashing more often than their other offerings. Any product Apple sells for actual $ would have meet Apple’s standards of support and customer service, or they would be deteriorating their Goodwill.

Except their charging cables. Apple actively trades goodwill for those margins.

walterbell 10 hours ago
> the VMs they are selling are crashing

VMs would be a subset of existing iOS/macOS. VMs are more uniform targets than bare-metal, less likely to crash.

Think Microsoft CAL (client access license) paper entitlements.

Or papal certificates of indulgence, https://theconversation.com/the-catholic-view-on-indulgences...

Software margins with iPad-as-DRM-dongle, investors would rejoice! Broadcom and Qualcomm would be envious.

saagarjha 12 hours ago
You do realize that Apple sells Macs, right?
tambourine_man 15 hours ago
Without JIT, it’s more a prof-of-concept than a useful tool, IMO.
makeitdouble 9 hours ago
With the current iPad limitations, however slow it gets, running any arbitrary code locally can be a big deal.

If you wanted to debug and print out your original papercraft without remoting into another machine, that will probably be good enough.

walterbell 5 hours ago
> running any arbitrary code locally can be a big deal

yt-dlp on iPad via iSH is surprising useful.

eru 6 hours ago
> [...], running any arbitrary code locally can be a big deal.

Well, unless you are using JavaScript?

striking 15 hours ago
Prior research section reads:

> [Zhuowei Zhang] concluded that (GUI) macOS applications cannot run on iOS—but (graphical) iOS apps can run on macOS. Mac Catalyst seems to work, expectedly, only one way.

miramba 9 hours ago
Oh, 1000 times this! Literally my research subject in the last weeks, a tablet with a dev OS. Sizewise I love the iPad Mini, but iPadOS is useless. Looking now at a Surface Go: slightly too large. If anyone has another suggestion for a small tablet with Win11 (I know there is none with MacOS), please post it here. Will order from China if needed.
ankurdhama 4 hours ago
sgerenser 3 hours ago
Small tablet? It has a 14” screen.
Joeri 7 hours ago
What about the GPD Pocket?
jbverschoor 4 hours ago
The iPad Pro is the fastest machine out there (M4)
azinman2 9 hours ago
What is it about the iPad you want with macOS? It has one port (which is largely used for power), no built in keyboard, an incompatible input device (touch) by default, and often smaller screens. What’s the appeal?
kmeisthax 9 hours ago
Apple doesn't sell a MacBook with a cellular modem, drawing stylus, or 4:3 screen. Also, iPads sometimes get the newest chips first (e.g. M4)

To be clear, as an iPad Pro owner, I don't think "just put macOS on iPad" is the answer to the iPad's problems, either. But I can appreciate why people complain about it. Apple sold them "a computer", they want "a computer". With full iPad ports of Mac apps, a filesystem that isn't entirely built around share sheets and hope, project exports that don't demand you keep the app foregrounded because Apple can't be arsed to add a "Eat The Whole Battery" multitasking mode, multiple user profiles, third-party developer tools, third-party app distribution, and generally, the ability to innovate on the platform without Apple's prior written consent[0].

The iPad was originally announced as Apple's answer to the netbook: a cheap(ish) touch computer for casual computing tasks and games. In that narrow lane, it succeeded. But in 2015 with the introduction of the iPad Pro, Apple decided that the iPad was going to replace the Macintosh. The Mac was there to be to the iPad what the Apple Lisa was to early Macs: an annoying technical relic to bootstrap software onto the newer, superior platform. Except Apple didn't have the courage to pull the trigger on several features necessary for creative and development workflows on iPadOS until it was too late. e.g. The reason why iPadOS is built so heavily around share sheets is because, for the first six years of the iPad's life, that was the only way to share data between apps[1]. So there's a lot of old apps that do things the annoying way, a lot of roadblocks that get put up arbitrarily, and so on.

[0] More broadly, the creative economy needs to stop talking about consent. Consent is for sex, not creativity.

[1] iOS 9 (?) added support for shared containers, but AFAIK each app that wants to use the container has to opt into it; and all apps have to be published by the same corporate entity or otherwise consent to data sharing in this way. There was no way to just have files owned by the user and nonconsensually modified by other apps.

prxtl 5 hours ago
> But in 2015 with the introduction of the iPad Pro, Apple decided that the iPad was going to replace the Macintosh.

Although that is an intriguing (and controversial) possibility, Apple has never explicitly stated that. What they have done, is continued to heavily invest in the Mac lineup. IMO the ‘Pro’ in iPad Pro is meant to target creative professionals, not all the types of professionals (for e.g. programmers).

walterbell 9 hours ago
This question has been endlessly asked and answered, https://www.theverge.com/2021/4/22/22396449/apple-ipad-pro-m...

The answer is obvious to Apple iPad Pro + Magic Keyboard customers:

No, dear Apple, it will not compete with your precious Macbook revenue, because an iPad is not a laptop. Your customers who are pleading for un-crippled iPads will keep buying desktops and laptops. But it will be life-changing for on-demand portable anytime anywhere access to OSS code and professional apps, for last-minute edits, quick checks during video calls, testing-while-learning and countless other scenarios. iPad enables flexible computing, i.e. unlimited use cases -- and revenue! Still the only mobile device with 4:3 HiDPI screen.

Apple continues to pour billions into science experiments like Vision Pro (iPad-on-Skull) and anemic cloud services, while refusing to improve the workflows of millions of customers who are willing to pay for repackaging of existing technology already sold by Apple. Fortunately, the industry has not been standing still while Apple squandered a decade of feature-frozen tablet supremacy. Google is now shipping VMs on both phones and tablets.

> At a privately held event, Google recently demonstrated a special build of Chromium OS — code-named “ferrochrome” — running in a virtual machine on a Pixel 8. However, Chromium OS wasn’t shown running on the phone’s screen itself. Rather, it was projected to an external display, which is possible because Google recently enabled display output on its Pixel 8 series... Hopefully, Google will offer the ability to run Chrome OS alongside Android in a future device

kuhsaft 9 hours ago
As much as I would like macOS on iPads, running macOS applications on an iPad without the Magic Keyboard would suck. Windows can do it though, so it's not really an excuse.

But, in Microsoft's case, it's sort of different. They had Windows 10 Mobile for tablets which is the closest thing to iPadOS, I suppose. Windows 10 Mobile couldn't run Win32 applications, similar to how iPadOS can't run macOS applications. Microsoft killed Windows 10 Mobile...

Implementation-wise though, it's a big effort for Apple. They can't just make macOS applications runnable on iOS. Something like reverse Mac Catalyst for iPadOS wouldn't work due to how complicated and different macOS is compared to iPadOS. It would probably have to be a full on emulation of macOS on iPadOS for applications to run.

So, it would seem like starting with macOS then implementing iPadOS on-top would be better than starting with iPadOS and implementing macOS, which is literally what Mac Catalyst is. So now, Apple has to make sure that all iPadOS APIs work with Mac Catalyst (they don't yet) and they have to do something to make the UX work better when switching between touch and M&K.

Bringing it back to Microsoft and Windows now. It's quite similar actually. Think of Windows 10 Mobile = iPadOS, UWP = iPadOS apps, Win32 = macOS apps. Microsoft killed Windows 10 Mobile and replaced it with full-on Windows 10. Windows 10 can run UWP apps.

Similarly, Apple will likely have to kill iPadOS and fully implement compatibility with iPad apps on Mac for macOS to ever be on iPads.

nicoburns 1 hour ago
> As much as I would like macOS on iPads, running macOS applications on an iPad without the Magic Keyboard would suck.

The ability to run macOS on an iPad with a keyboard and mouse (and perhaps even a second screen), and run ipad OS when you're away from those things would be pretty great.

The hardware is already capable of this.

makeitdouble 2 hours ago
> But, in Microsoft's case, it's sort of different.

Microsoft has a long history of trying to make both work, but I think the reality of it is actually not that far away:

Windows 10/11 is a very poor tablet OS, a ton of stuff will be clunky with touch as it's currently just a very thin layer of adjustments on top of the OS, and expecting to get access to all the potential of the machine without a keyboard and trackpad will be a recipe for disappointment.

So, if the iPad had to rival the Surface Pro, it could probably do it tomorrow by just sticking macos on it with the accessibility options (virtual keyboard, mouse etc) and call it a day.

Where Microsoft is truely different is that they still shipped the Surface Pro and let users deal with it. The UI in tablet mode is almost the same, with just the taskbar a bit bigger. Sometimes you'll absolutely need a mouse, so if you don't have one you pull the virtual mouse, solve your situation and go back to what you were doing. Sometimes the entry field is from an obscure API and doesn't pop the keyboard, so you pop it manually and deal with it. Or you absolutely need a shortcut, so again you pop the keyboard in the middle of nowhere, hit the shortcut, and make the keyboard go away.

This is the clunkiness Microsoft has fully embraced, and it makes their tablets actually "just work" as you're given all the tools to straightly do what you want to do. That's where Apple is backing out, and chose to build a DisneyLand OS instead of a gritty, dirty and clunky, but fully functional city like environment.

I get why people want a more polished and elegant experience, but if the goal is to get things done, it's probably the most realistic way forward.

walterbell 8 hours ago
> starting with macOS then implementing iPadOS on-top

This would lose the security properties of iOS, which is a big part of the value proposition for iPhones and iPads.

> They can't just make macOS applications runnable on iOS.

Other operating systems can run in _parallel_ with iOS. Hardware support for nested virtualization has shipped on Apple Silicon since M2. Google implemented Android Virtualization Framework. There's no shortage of candidate VM operating systems. Microsoft implemented WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) VM. Apple could ship ASF (Apple Subsystem for FreeBSD) VMs.

kuhsaft 7 hours ago
> This would lose the security properties of iOS, which is a big part of the value proposition for iPhones and iPads.

Right. Apple is adding more and more security features from iOS into macOS. But, people are going to complain about that too.

> Other operating systems can run in _parallel_ with iOS

Absolutely, but there is a performance hit and memory management becomes an issue. You still need a host OS as well to unify the UX. Also, there needs to be some way for IPC between the applications of different OSes.

> Microsoft implemented WSL

WSL has networking and memory management issues. WSLg sort of works. Its architecture is wild [1]. Display scaling is terrible though. IPC between Windows and WSL guests is limited.

WSL 2 was released in 2020 and it still has issues. It's not a simple problem to solve.

Microsoft has also gone from WinRT, UWP, WinUI, MAUI, and now WinUI 3 trying to unify application development [2]. Again, it's not a simple problem to solve.

I think the only OS that has actually unified application development across all form factors is Android/Chrome OS. But, people complain about how limited Chrome OS is.

[1] https://github.com/microsoft/wslg?tab=readme-ov-file#wslg-ar...

[2] https://www.irrlicht3d.org/index.php?t=1626

nolist_policy 7 hours ago
ChromeOS solves the memory management very well.

Depending on how you use it, you have up to 3 VMs running in the background with Wayland passtrough: ARCVM (Android), Crostini (Linux dev environment) and Borealis (SteamOS).

All these VMs run Linux and Google uses MGLRU in cooperation with Chromes tab discarder to balance memory.

kuhsaft 6 hours ago
Wow. Never knew about the move to ARCVM. Though the first thing that comes up when I search it is memory and CPU usage issues though :/

Google et al. has put a lot of effort into improving Linux's virtualization capabilities. Goes with being the OS of choice for pretty much all servers I suppose.

pjmlp 5 hours ago
The problem with WinRT, UWP, WinUI, MAUI, and now WinUI 3 is the usual Microsoft mess.

As anyone can imagine by that list, every new acronym requires a rewrite, and most folks that aren't on Microsoft pay list no longer care.

kuhsaft 4 hours ago
Well, with Android/Chrome OS they just recently released Jetpack Compose Material 3 Adaptive which is further iteration by Google to try to unify UI development between form factors [1]. And there's the breaking changes with every major version of Android [2]. Then there are the incompatibilities for Android apps for Chrome OS [3].

You can shit on Microsoft all you want, but those listed APIs still work. People expect Microsoft APIs to exist essentially forever, so every breaking change pretty much has to be a new API.

Having a single simple API for developing across different devices and inputs that automatically provides great UX across the board just isn't possible. It's going to be complex and it's on the developer to cater to each device. An API to cater to everything is literally web APIs.

[1] https://chromeos.dev/en/posts/io-2024#android-on-chromeos

[2] https://developer.android.com/about/versions/13/behavior-cha...

[3] https://developer.android.com/topic/arc/manifest

pjmlp 4 hours ago
Tell me you never used those APIs, without telling me.

No they don't work, that is why each iteraction requires a rewrite.

WinRT for Windows 10, isn't the same as WinRT for Windows 8.1, isn't the same as WinRT for Windows 8.

WinUI 3.0 has features that are Windows 11 only, although Project Reunion promised compatibility across Windows 10 and 11, it is still quite far from Win 2.0 in features and tooling, years away in fact.

Likewise the WinRT used by WinUI 3.0 in Win32 mode, isn't the same as WinRT used by WinUI 2.0 in UWP mode. Meaning the set of underlying COM plumbing differs in behaviour and exposed set of interfaces.

And I will leave it here, as Github issues and discussions already have plenty of rant material on the matter from the Windows developer community.

kuhsaft 3 hours ago
I'm not saying that the newer APIs are backwards compatible with the older ones. I'm saying that they're not which is why they are different APIs. WinRT is a bit different since you target a Windows SDK. But, likewise newer SDKs have APIs that are not backwards compatible.

What I am saying is that the older APIs are forwards compatible with newer versions of Windows. On Windows 11, you can still run applications using those old APIs.

On Android and iOS, your old app may break when running on a newer OS version.

Microsoft doesn't have the luxury of changing the behavior of older APIs on newer versions of Windows, so they end up having to make completely new ones.

pjmlp 2 hours ago
Try to run a Windows 8.0 WinRT application on Windows 11 to see how forward compatible it is.
pjmlp 5 hours ago
Ferrochrome was canceled.
Uehreka 9 hours ago
I have an M4 iPad Pro, it beats my M1 Max MacBook Pro on a lot of benchmarks, yet I cannot use it for programming, 3D modeling or VFX. Yes, I know that apps “technically” exist to do those things. No, those apps are not professional grade. I want VS Code, a Terminal, Blender and Adobe After Effects.

Seemingly the only thing stopping those apps from running on the iPad unmodified is the operating system. I want the operating system that runs on the other Mx devices to run on my iPad Pro. I have wanted this for years. I have never been even close to alone in wanting this.

worstspotgain 15 hours ago
If they called it a Macbook Air with an upside-down bulge and a detachable keyboard, would that be just as well?
walterbell 14 hours ago
With touch screen, iOS and macOS?
SheinhardtWigCo 14 hours ago
macOS when the keyboard is attached, and iOS when it is not, with instantaneous switching.

One can dream… but really, this is not all that far-fetched

diffeomorphism 7 hours ago
We cureently have that on pixel devices, where you can just run windows if you want


We had that with linuxonDex or maruos or motorola or..

People say they want that, but when they actually do, it completely flops.

walterbell 6 hours ago
> People say they want that, but when they actually do, it completely flops.

That feature isn't yet exposed to end-users, although the plumbing is in place. So far only on Pixel devices.

There's potential for phones docking to desktops via USB-c, running both Android and Linux/ChromeOS VMs.

pjmlp 5 hours ago
Except no one except a few geeks ever cared about Samsung DEX, or Windows Phone/Table continuum.
sznio 4 hours ago
Well, it couldn't run any real programs. ARM caught up now.
pjmlp 4 hours ago
I thought that was what FOSS was all about having all those people in their Internet coffee shops using Termux under DEX to compile their real programs.
kuhsaft 9 hours ago
What would happen to the macOS applications when switching to iOS? iOS applications would be fine in macOS-mode (Mac Catalyst already exists). But, there isn't a good way to make macOS applications usable in iOS-mode.
walterbell 9 hours ago
Start with macOS CLI VM. Give it a couple of years and see how customers use it.

Or allow Linux/FreeBSD VMs.

worstspotgain 14 hours ago
Touch screen but no iOS.
amelius 3 hours ago
Can we please get iOS on Linux so we don't have to buy the phone to develop for it?
jbverschoor 42 minutes ago
Related: https://worthdoingbadly.com/hv/ (Hardware-accelerated virtual machines on jailbroken iPhone 12 / iOS 14.1)
cedws 17 hours ago
According to the author's GitHub profile they are a fresh CS grad - seriously impressive work.
lukeh 14 hours ago
I imagine a job offer from Apple won't be too far away!
ttul 14 hours ago
They had better swing this person an offer before they go to the dark side!
valval 16 hours ago
I bet this one never used ChatGPT to cheat at homework then!
ChrisMarshallNY 17 hours ago
Very cool!

I have a feeling that the reason that Apple hasn't made their Simulator into an Emulator, is because they don't want folks digging into the substrate of iOS.

ChocolateGod 16 hours ago
Another reason it was a Simulator and not an Emulator to begin with could be because a lot of iOS (or iPhone OS) components at the time were forks of existing Mac OS X libraries.
kridsdale1 15 hours ago
The reason to begin with was the Mac OS was x86-32 and the iOS environment was arm. Building for intel let the ui devs have high performance by leveraging the existing network stack and graphics compositor. But most of the libraries live parallel in the sim, not using the OS ones. That wouldn’t allow you to simulate different iOS versions.
cryptoz 9 hours ago
> iOS (or iPhone OS)

Slightly OT but the first iPhone ran OS X at launch.

I think as time went by and the "OS X" running on phones diverged more and more, they renamed to iPhone OS and then iOS some time later? Something like that anyway.

agsnu 7 hours ago
The first iPhone ran iPhone OS 1.0
fathyb 6 hours ago
Apple advertised the first iPhone to run OS X: https://youtu.be/VQKMoT-6XSg?t=506
cryptoz 7 hours ago
Well, I never owned one of them, so maybe I'm not supposed to comment on this. But their website was very clear: The OS on the first iPhone was OS X.


saagarjha 6 hours ago
It's about as Mac OS X as Apple Watch runs macOS.
ChocolateGod 6 hours ago
It's not the same as Mac OS X or macOS, they share a common kernel, system libraries etc but the userland is very different on an iPhone or Apple Watch.
astrange 17 hours ago
Developers still use Intel Macs, and you can't virtualize ARM iOS on that.
saagarjha 14 hours ago
Doesn’t sound like a strong enough reason for the visionOS team.
agsnu 7 hours ago
The overwhelming majority use ARM Macs these days
ChrisMarshallNY 17 hours ago
Yeah, I was thinking about the ARM Macs. They are common enough, now, to make it worthwhile.
MuffinFlavored 14 hours ago
I really do wonder now that both iPhones, Macs, and iPads are all "arm64" (Apple Silicon no less) how different the bootloaders are for iOS vs MacOS. Once you are past the bootloader, why would they be maintaining two different operating systems/lots of differences if they don't have to, especially since they seem to control the hardware?
kuhsaft 9 hours ago
The hardware was drastically different between Macs and iPhones when iOS was released. That was in 2007. Apple only unified the hardware in 2020. Over the *13* years, the operating systems have diverged so much that unifying them is a massive effort. The linked blog post by Zhuowei Zhang shows some of the differences. The user-space components are just so different that it's not as simple as running a macOS app on iOS.

EDIT: You can run a iOS apps on macOS without recompilation, but it uses Mac Catalyst which is a user-space shim for iOS apps to work on macOS. Even then, not everything works.

azinman2 9 hours ago
You can run iOS apps directly on M1 Macs. Some developers flip a bit to disable this, but there any many that don’t.
kuhsaft 9 hours ago
In this case, the app is running in a sandbox with a user-space that simulates the iOS user-space [0].

> Your apps use the same frameworks and infrastructure that Mac Catalyst apps use to run, but without the need to recompile for the Mac platform.

> Although you can run your iOS apps unmodified on a Mac with Apple silicon, Mac Catalyst lets you build your app specifically for macOS and customize your app’s behavior on that platform.

Mac Catalyst was a multi-year effort by Apple. Doing the same to run macOS apps on iOS would probably be even harder due to how complicated macOS is compared to iOS.

[0] https://developer.apple.com/documentation/apple-silicon/runn...

azinman2 9 hours ago
It seems you agree, except previously you said “Likewise, you can't just run a iOS app on macOS. You need to recompile your app with Mac Catalyst for it to work. Even then, it's a bit jank.” That’s not true, you can just run an iOS app on macOS.
kuhsaft 8 hours ago
I edited my original comment. The "It's a bit jank" part is still true though. When you enable running your app on macOS without compiling specifically for macOS with Mac Catalyst, it still uses Mac Catalyst, but transparently. So, you still get all the issues of Mac Catalyst, but without the compiler warnings. Your application may crash or behave strangely.
saagarjha 12 hours ago
They are very similar. The differences are largely in that macOS generally will permit some things that iOS will not.
kuhsaft 10 hours ago
They aren’t actually too similar. They both use XNU, but the memory model is completely different. On macOS memory can be paged to/from disk. On iOS it isn’t and applications must free memory when asked or be terminated [0].

iOS applications are sandboxed by the kernel, with no opt out. macOS applications are not sandboxed by default and are opt in.

Then there are the API and UI differences.

EDIT: That linked blog post in the parent blog post also shows how different the userspace is: https://worthdoingbadly.com/macappsios/

EDIT: iPadOS 16 enables virtual memory swap [1]

[0] https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Pe...

[1] https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2022/06/ipados-16-takes-the-v...

fathyb 5 hours ago
> On macOS memory can be paged to/from disk. On iOS it isn’t and applications must free memory when asked or be terminated

Not sure what you meant by that, you always could `mmap` files into memory on iOS. Back in the 32 bits days there was a ~700 MB limit due to the address space, but there aren't anymore nowadays with 64 bits. If `didReceiveMemoryWarning` is called on your app, then you need to free resident memory but the kernel will take care of dumping file-backed memory pages for you.

kuhsaft 5 hours ago
That's memory mapping. This is memory paging [1]. I.e. Windows pagefile.sys, Linux swap, macOS swap files. iOS does not have swap files, only memory compression. If you're on a Mac, open up Activity Monitor, go to Memory, and at the bottom there is `Swap Used`. That doesn't exist on iOS. So, if more memory is used than available, applications will need to free memory or be terminated. Unlike macOS, where some used memory will be swapped to disk to allow other stuff to be loaded into memory.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory_paging

saagarjha 4 hours ago
> how different the bootloaders are for iOS vs MacOS
ChrisMarshallNY 12 hours ago
Very different user experiences, and also, the Mac development ecosystem is well-established. I suspect a lot of Mac AAA apps are done in C++.

Probably a lot of iOS AAA apps are still in ObjC.

It is unwise to pull the rug from established developers.

reboot81 2 hours ago
An early Christmas gift to all clickfarms!
hadad 14 hours ago
the guy that create qemu-t8030 manage to get springboard running [1] , but doesn't made the code public. Is wonderful if the progress can combined with this one

[1] https://mastodon.social/@ntrung03/109712247237110967

hadad 14 hours ago
Another qemu attempt is this one [1] , q22-qemu (iphone x)

1. https://www.xia0.sh/2024/03/09/Boot-Newer-iOS-with-QEMU-Step...

heavyset_go 17 hours ago
Slightly tangential, but has anyone virtualized ARM macOS on x86-64?
grishka 16 hours ago
You can't. The term "virtualize" is generally used to mean running an OS via hardware virtualization, where your host CPU natively runs its code but forwards all I/O to a hypervisor. You can only do that with an OS built for the same CPU architecture as your host system.

For everything else, like running ARM software on x86 (and vice versa), you'll have to resort to emulation, which involves either interpreting the code or dynamically recompiling it. By definition, you can emulate anything on anything else (someone recently booted Linux for MIPS on an Intel 4004, the first ever microprocessor), but the performance might be a problem.

amarshall 15 hours ago
TL;DR: emulating any ARM binaries on x86_64 via QEMU is so slow that it is unusable for any general use.

This is also less of a QEMU problem and more just that ARM does not emulate well on x86_64 due to their designs.

amelius 3 hours ago
Curious, does QEMU use some kind of ahead-of-time translating scheme? Or do they rewrite instructions as they see them?
userbinator 14 hours ago
I have tried emulating ARM Windows on x86 with QEMU. It is fast enough to see whether something works and not much more (imagine Windows 11 on a 400MHz equivalent processor to understand what the performance was like --- and the host was a fairly recent Intel i7.)

ARM Linux is close to usable, however.

grishka 12 hours ago
It feels like it's just not possible in general to emulate the full instruction set of any CPU with an MMU with an acceptable performance to run modern software. QEMU running Windows for x86 on an M1 isn't very fast either.

Only emulating the portion of the instruction set available from the userspace is another story though. At least the way Apple does it with Rosetta and Microsoft with whatever their thing is called, you don't even notice that an app is running under emulation. The only giveaway is that it takes a noticeable time to start for the first time while the code is being translated. It's truly impressive.

Netch 8 hours ago
> QEMU running Windows for x86 on an M1 isn't very fast either.

It seems the main obstacle is in paging where x86 4KB clashes with Apple 16KB (ARM/64 supports multiple sizes), so, 2-level paging canʼt aid and an emulator has to shadow-paging which is, definitely, much slower.

> Apple does it with Rosetta and Microsoft with whatever their thing is called, you don't even notice that an app is running under emulation.

But they still use a vendor-specific TSO support in hardware.

aliher1911 17 hours ago
You can try to virtualize generic ARM in qemu and see that it won't reach Raspberry Pi performance. Recent versions should have it available out of the box afaik. Virtualizing Mn cpus would be even less useful.
3abiton 17 hours ago
You should look into the hackintosh project.
amarshall 15 hours ago
Hackintosh currently has no way of running ARM-based macOS, so it is of no help here.
aspenmayer 17 hours ago
fl0id 17 hours ago
But that’s not arm on x86 is it? My understanding was that it ‘just’ enables things to work on unsupported intel macs, by enabling stuff that still works on newer Intel Macs.
aspenmayer 17 hours ago
It’s complicated, but you have the right intuition about it. OCLP re-inserts drivers removed by Apple and patches the OS to enable functionality that doesn’t rely on hardware verification or ARM hardware. According to the devs, that’s about all they are currently able to do with current approaches.

UTM might do what you want but likely not on x86.


> Virtualize macOS as well.

> Run multiple instances of macOS on your Apple Silicon Mac with UTM. This can be useful for developers as well as security conscious users.

> Note that macOS VM support is limited to ARM based Macs running macOS Monterey or higher.

tonyedgecombe 3 hours ago
>or ARM hardware

What is ARM hardware in this case? Did you mean the T2 processor on Intel Macs?

MYEUHD 17 hours ago
Apple already provides an iOS simulator in XCode. So, what's the benefit of this project over the apple-provided one?
ykl 16 hours ago
The simulator is not actually running real iOS or the iOS build of your app. Instead, when you run an app in the simulator, your app is being compiled to the current Mac’s native instruction set and links/runs against a set of Mac frameworks and libraries that _simulate_ and in some cases only stub in the expected iOS behavior. So as an example, you can’t just take an iOS binary off of the App Store and run it in the iOS Simulator (especially not on an Intel Mac). You also can’t use the simulator to probe and learn anything about how real iOS works internally, because the simulator isn’t really running full iOS. If you drill down in the simulator’s frameworks far enough you eventually just find yourself back in macOS.

Contrast with an emulator, where you are just running the full iOS build identical to the build on a real device. You would in theory be able to run any iOS binary unmodified and probe how the real os works.

It’s sort of like the difference between running an app through Wine versus running an app in a Windows VM, except in the case of the simulator it’d be like if you had to custom recompile/link a Windows app first against the Wine environment before being able to run it. If you wanted to study how Windows works internally, there's not much you can learn about that from running Wine, but there is quite a lot you could learn from probing a VM running Windows.

lisper 14 hours ago
Since you are someone who seems to know what they're doing I hope you'll forgive a random unrelated question: do you happen to know if it's possible to call out to M1 code inside Rosetta2? It seems like this should be possible since Rosetta2 is (supposedly) a transpiler and so it's (supposedly) really running M1 code under the hood, but I haven't been able to figure out a way to call out to native M1 code.
ykl 14 hours ago
That's a great question. The short answer is: no, you can't, but not necessarily for the reason you might expect. The long answer is: Rosetta 2 is indeed a transpiler generating native arm64 code, but transpiled code running via Rosetta 2 vs. native arm64 code in macOS use two different ABIs. Transpiled Rosetta 2 code uses a arm64-ized version of the System V x64 ABI that contains a direct mapping between x64 and arm64 registers, whereas native arm64 code uses the standard arm64 ABI. There's a lot of magic going on in the Rosetta 2 arm64-ized System V ABI that is necessary to make Rosetta 2 work.

Koh Nakagawa's work on reverse engineering Rosetta 2 dives into this topic extensively: https://ffri.github.io/ProjectChampollion/part1/

One interesting side effect of this ABI difference comes from modern x64 macOS using AVX2 instructions by default but Rosetta 2 not supporting AVX2. Because Rosetta 2 uses a different ABI than native arm64, code running under Rosetta 2 can't just call into the native arm64 system libraries; for calls to system libraries, Rosetta 2 transpiles from the x64 versions of those as well, which are available on Apple Silicon Macs thanks to the universal binary architecture. In macOS, all of the commonly used system dylibs are pre-linked into a single giant file called the dyld cache. Since the native x64 dyld cache contains AVX2 instructions though, it isn't usable by Rosetta 2, so for when a system library call requires going into the dyld cache, Rosetta 2 ships with a _separate second version_ of the x64 dyld cache that is compiled without AVX2. This is an interesting quirk that has proven to be exceptionally useful for getting newer macOS versions running on older unsupported Macs that have Intel CPUs that are too old to support AVX2.

astrange 14 hours ago
IIRC Rosetta 1 did attempt to use the native x86 versions of system frameworks, but there were issues with floating point precision between the emulated and native code. I don't remember if they gave up on it, fixed it, or just left it like that.
lisper 14 hours ago
saagarjha 14 hours ago
This is not supported. It’s possible in theory but the theory here is “breaking out of the emulator and fiddling with runtime metadata”.
wahnfrieden 9 hours ago
Note that that reply isn't authoritative in terms of Apple choosing or not to stray from reusing code/frameworks across macos for simulating/emulating and ios
jamesy0ung 15 hours ago
Discussion of this is on the nick's funny device emporium Discord server. https://discord.com/invite/4HXCHWhf6r