Although if anyone wants to run it, you could download it from the op and drop the file onto one of the emulators on (they run directly in your browser, no download needed)
I used Clozure Common Lisp for the Tankan kanji learning program, which uses a browser interface to a service application, the latter being written in CCL.
I used MS Visual C++ to make the system notification are ("tray") icon program to control the service.
The licensing back-end runs on CLISP as a CGI interface, and the same server-side program also serves as an administrative command-line utility, where I can manipulate the the license database.
There was quite a bit of discussion about this a couple of years ago. OpusModus[1] investigated supporting CCL on M1, but wasn't confident that it could be accomplished, and instead ported their product to LispWorks.
I would love to be wrong about that!
Jupyter Notebooks should have this feature because loading huge datasets upon loading a ipynb really doesn't make sense, but alas...
For the moment I'm stuck opening lots of tmux sessions and just re-running from history if I mess up the state.
Same effect, except that I can send various commands from the other vim split to the terminal using slime.
Started working like this when i was writing and prototyping a lot of SQL code... ran SQL in the terminal split and used the other split for the SQL file.
I wonder if an AWS elastic lisp image service would be something lispers would use. Probably won’t live to see anything like it.
Julia is more Lispy than Python will ever be.
Ironically what AWS nowadays offers for Java and .NET based lambdas (SnapStart) is something similar to Smalltalk/Common Lisp images, yet another thing that traces back to their roots (Java being influenced by Objective-C/Smalltalk, and .NET origins due to J++ lawsuit).
that has simple solution - walrus thingy
heck, any language that has an AST would be a Lisp according to your definition..
Do you think there is a modern non-Lisp language and environment that gives you something close to the productivity you had with Common Lisp back then?
Using MACL: when I was on a DARPA Neural Network Tools Advisory panel, I did all my NN prototyping in Common Lisp with Macintosh Allegro Common Lisp. Resulting code, that I converted to C and C++ was used in the bomb detector we built for the FAA, and became a commercial product.
Some, like Piano (aircraft analysis suite) moved to other platforms when OSX essentially forced a rewrite anyway