17 points by sebg 37 days ago | 4 comments
skadamat 37 days ago
I really love the energy Steve brings. I had the chance to meet with him at SXSW over a decade ago when I was a student and he happily discussed startup & bold tech ideas as if we were equally experienced
FiatLuxDave 36 days ago
I thought this was a pretty decent article. At the very least, it answered a question I always had always wondered about: how he had graduated Stanford so quickly. He's only a few years older than me. When he and Tim funded Fiat Lux I was 20 and still in undergrad, and knowing how college worked I wondered how one could go about graduating so quickly with a double major. I went to school another smart fellow who graduated with a triple major (math, physics, EE) but he took a more normal amount of time.
showerst 37 days ago
I'm familiar with Steve via his various donations and tours on CuriousMarc's Apollo restorations, it's cool to get some background on the guy. He sounds like a lot of fun.

I had to check the publish date, I know it's a puff piece but the uncritical commentary on Musk's leadership strengths (not uncommon a few years back) is pretty funny in hindsight.

ballooney 37 days ago
I did wonder the other day when the Jurvetson PR/rehab effort might begin.