The download button is still available inside vscode and Cursor never used the marketplace anyway. So many commenters are getting worked up over nothing. No malicious intent here, just classic HN jumping to the wrong conclusion.
They clearly don't want others to be able to download the VSIX unless you use VS Code, otherwise they wouldn't have hid the button in the UI. Either they already know, or they'll soon discover, that others can still download the VSIX so that's why I'm saying that we'll soon see VS Code requiring login in order to download extensions. Basically to finish what they just now started.
VSCode is "open source". Except it's not. The open source version cannot access the VSCode Marketplace which contains a lot of the high quality extensions. This is just slowly boiling the OSS frog.
Get ~100% of developers hooked on "open source" VSCode, then at some point when they decide they don't want to deal with some crap Microsoft added to the proprietary version (like, perhaps, locking many feature behind a premium subscription) and try to switch to the OSS version they discover they can't work at all because they can't use any of the language+other extensions they have come to rely on.
Why would Microsoft push back against VS Code forks? I thought "Microsoft <3 Open Source", is that no longer true now when people forgot about the old Microsoft?
Microsoft: No wait, not like that!