Solving Sudoku with Tmux(
84 points by mu0n 34 days ago | 2 comments
jrimbault 30 days ago
Months ago I was trying to debug why this[0] solver didn't quite work. If someone wants to spend some time debugging it, you're welcome to it.

It's a Rust compile time Sudoku solver. It solves the almost complete puzzle, not the "real" puzzle.


yorwba 30 days ago

  while grid[index] == 9 || grid[index] != 0 {
is equivalent to

  while grid[index] != 0 {
so when you backtrack, you always backtrack all the way to the beginning.

I think you want

  while grid[index] == 9 || initial_grid[index] != 0 {
    grid[index] = initial_grid[index];
or something to that effect.
wilkystyle 30 days ago
I had a hearty chuckle when he refers to "business logic" in the YouTube video linked in the post.
llm_trw 30 days ago
That code is more easily readable than most visual basic business logic running billion dollars in trades I saw in the 00s.