209 points by raggi 31 days ago | 23 comments
PaulDavisThe1st 29 days ago
The thing that people complain about most when it comes to using DAWs on Linux is that 90% of the plugins in the world are not available (at least, not without some relatively technical magic such as yabridge).

It is therefore quite curious to see people get all excited about a DAW on another "platform" where at least 90% of the plugins in the world are not available, and in all likelihood are even less likely to ever become available than they are on Linux.

There's certainly a role for a tool like this in education and for people who so far have no realized that they really need to have Pigments or fabfilter for their project. And yes, people do exaggerate the extent to which a specific plugin is needed. Nevertheless, the lack of ability to run essentially any of the existing 3rd party plugins would, were it a native DAW, be viewed as completely crippling.

The webaudio modules "standard" offers some hope here, and I suspect that within 2-5 years, plugin toolkits like JUCE will allow you to build not just as "windows/VST3" or "Linux/LV2" or "macOS/AudioUnit" formats, but also "wasm/webaudiomodule" (or something like it). However, given how easy the various Linux options already are with JUCE, and how few plugin developers choose to use them, I have to wonder if the massively larger size of a "browser platform market" would be enough to get them to add another platform.

duped 29 days ago
I was a longtime JUCE user and won't hold my breath for them to support the web. They skate strictly where the puck was two years ago, not where it's going. I also wouldn't call their Linux support "easy" - it's not surprising to me very few JUCE developers even consider using Linux in CI, let alone as a supported target.

That said, I think there's something interesting about building out an audio platform with "no VSTs" as a constraint - about 6 years ago I was convinced that the web was a deadend for even middling complexity audio projects when I saw Bandlab at NAMM, and I was very wrong. It seems like the value of a DAW that you can fire up in a browser and instantly access all your projects/share them with your friends is more valuable than having no plugins and crashing after hitting browser tab memory limits. And looking down the road it frees you from the serious problems with native plugins and current plugin APIs.

MDGeist 29 days ago
I think you make an interesting point about the implications of the no-VST constraint. In the earlier days of Reason (before they had VST support or even Rack Extensions) it was great because I could work on a song on any system that had just Reason installed and anyone that also had the current version could open it as is. No installing plugins and no plugin compatibility issues between users. Away from the studio for a weekend? Just install on a laptop and use the dongle, no problem!

Creatively it was very freeing. Naturally, plugin envy eventually crept in and I was glad when they did add VST support, but I miss the ease of use and portability. And you got to know the stock effects inside and out which offered some streamlining in workflow.

nine_k 27 days ago
If you miss the portability and the need to know the built-ins in and out, you likely might enjoy SunVox, with its utter portability, surprising richness, and the need to be inventive to eke out interesting sounds from standard blocks.


peepee1982 29 days ago
I recently used Bandlab when I was at my girlfriend's and the only thing I had with me was my company's laptop, which I don't install any audio software on.

I wrote and recorded a little song and published it withing three hours or so, just as an experiment.

I had to reload the UI a few times after moving too quickly and because of a janky internet connection, but other than that I thought it was a well designed tool. I think it's liberating to be shielded from the many choices you make when working in a "real" DAW, and when I don't have REAPER or Studio One around, I'll happily work with a tool like this to simply stay in the habit of producing music when on the road.

tomduncalf 28 days ago
JUCE 8 does add support for WebView based UIs!
duped 27 days ago
But they don't support the web as a target for plugins. It also took them years to acquiesce to that particular feature request (and imho, it was a strategic mistake because the only reason to use JUCE is to make the UI for audio plugins - every other thing they provide has low to negative value-add for professional audio dev shops).
wdfx 29 days ago
Drivers and control panels for interfaces are also an issue on non macOs and windows platforms. I don't see hardware vendors changing that any time soon.
nine_k 27 days ago
Don't control panels and surfaces send MIDI messages that could be processed in a somehow standard way? Or do they (predominantly) run proprietary protocols over raw USB data pipes?
70rd 29 days ago
Doesn't Ardour support VST?
entropicdrifter 29 days ago
Yes. Reaper does too. The thing that makes plugins incompatible on Linux is just that they aren't compiled for Linux. You can run some plugins through WINE via some tools, but it's more bug-prone than natively compiled Linux LV2 or VST
PaulDavisThe1st 29 days ago
Yes, but that in and of itself does nothing to make specific 3rd party plugins available in native format for, say, Linux.
dmje 29 days ago
This is deeply impressive, and of course the first thing I'm doing is sharing it with some mates. The technical completeness of this, the fact that you can do this sort of thing in the browser at all - that to me is mindblowing (I'm 52 and remember when marquee tags were a bit of a stretch...).

But... like other commenters - there it stops, and I'm just not quite sure why.

The audience is probably me. I'm an avid Ableton user - I pay a bloody fortune for it, I upgrade it every year, I am happy to support their development because it's an insanely - insanely - good piece of software that does everything I need it to do. I'm also now completely embedded in the clip view, so going back to a linear view just isn't a possibility for me.

More to the point though - this clearly isn't aimed at people who know nothing about what they're doing. It's very non-amateur and clearly very, very powerful. But at the same time it isn't aimed at me, either - as someone who does know what they're doing, I'm thinking "um, VSTs?" or "clip view?" or "live performance / latency issues?" or whatever.

So... who is the audience? Maybe there is a middle ground of people who don't have the means to fork out for a good desktop DAW. Maybe teenagers who are wanting to learn the principles without the spend. Maybe because it'd be very cool for collaborating? I just don't know.

Nonetheless, it's an insane demonstration of what can be done in a browser these days and for that I massively doff my cap - amazing work!

psytrancefan 27 days ago
Can't agree more. Might be the most crazy thing I have ever seen done in the browser.

It actually demotivates me to work on music and motivates me to work on some web app ideas.

I am not sure who the audience is though either. Reaper works wonderfully on Linux.

The issue is any DAW or really any musical instrument is massive investment in time to learn to be good. The money isn't really the bottleneck. I can easily get a reasonably priced flute on ebay. The reason I don't play the flute is because the amount of time involved to learn to play it.

bugbytz 29 days ago
My question is why not just have a desktop daw implement rpc on their daemon to work collaboratively natively instead of being sandboxed in a browser? Or does this already exist?
wdfx 29 days ago
Isn't that's asking for terrible UI latency?
sowbug 29 days ago
IPC latency is typically measured in nanoseconds.
wdfx 29 days ago
Even with an electron UI?
gravitronic 29 days ago
there is a DAW with that feature, they then extracted the multiplayer core and license that. Forget the name, though.
NikkiA 24 days ago
I feel like you could be referring to NinJam and Reaper, but probably aren't, because it's not hard to remember reaper.
conradfr 29 days ago
Never tried it but there was was Ohm Studio from French company Ohm Force.
rdelpret 29 days ago
I would be down for a browser ableton suite that had all the stock devices and didn't have vst support. I think over time people learn that you can do 90% of what you need to do with just stock devices (although max4live support would be amazing)
p0w3n3d 29 days ago
There is no such thing as DAW inside a browser. DAW is mostly about the lowest latency possible unless it's for the sole purpose of sound creation (synthesis/sampling). This would allow it to bear the name Digital Audio Rework Station (DARwS) In all other cases lowest latency, ASIO drivers etc. are a must-have.
nerflad 29 days ago
A lot of people who have apparently never stepped foot in a recording studio are replying to you. Pre-plugin era was exactly about this. Drive the DAC and manage writes to the disk without introducing (much) latency so tracking can get done. Perhaps no one who uses this will intend to setup more than one microphone.
wdfx 29 days ago
Absolutely agree with you here.

There's a huge divide between people who might play with this at home as a toy and those who would be able to work with professional musicians with it.

The latter group will have some very strict requirements around performance, latency and workflow.

Edit: and reliability

tigeba 29 days ago
Just going to add this RE: reliability. Today CPUs are so powerful you don't need DSP systems anymore to do things like low latency tracking. It is still up to the user to manage latency by carefully selecting plugins, etc. With DSP based systems, the latency is generally fixed and extremely stable. I still use a very old PTHD system because it works great for recording audio :)
Aldipower 29 days ago
My 286 with a Voyetra Sequencer, which is still in use, is much more reliable then my modern PC in terms of tracking and timing. You need a real time system, perfect task separation and _not_ an unreliable USB interface. It has absolutely nothing to do with CPU power. Also my Atari with Cubase 3.1 is much much better with MIDI timing then every modern PC setup. Think about it. :-)
tigeba 29 days ago
Just to be clear I'm talking about digital audio, not MIDI. I ran Cakewalk on my 386/486 as well, it worked great including SMPTE sync over to an analog tape machine
PaulDavisThe1st 29 days ago
Latency is not related to CPU power, until the DSP load starts creeping up. For just low latency tracking, a 486 is perfectly capable.
tigeba 29 days ago
As a practical matter, the CPU has to deal with IO as well, I don't believe any 486 systems could handle this.

DSP based systems struggled a lot with IO in the late 90s until faster SATA drives became ubiquitous. Lots of them used SCSI or exotic hardware cards to deal with large track counts.

PaulDavisThe1st 29 days ago
The first version of Ardour was written on a 25Mhz 486 and could record 24 tracks of 24bit 48kHz audio without breaking a sweat.

It did have a SCSI drive, but in 1999 I did not consider that "exotic", having been using them on various Unix workstations for more than a decade before that.

p0w3n3d 29 days ago
I used to use special FireWire extension card to have low latency, however I think this has been fixed in usb 3.0. the problem is when you have multitrack mixer that sends you many outputs all of them being different soundcards visible to the computer. Of course one guitar + VST will give you a little lag but you'll just push it back a little and it will do. Or will it?
jampekka 29 days ago
Minimal latency is only really needed for live performance and monitoring, though these do tend to be crucial demands in most cases. A major problem for browsers is also poor support for multichannel devices.

They do plan to have a "native wrapper like tauri" in the future. I've played around with node-web-audio-api for low latency multichannel for Electron, but it wasn't a great success. Mostly because Rust audio backends (and almost all audio backends in general) aren't very good in such usage.


input_sh 29 days ago
If you're just picking up samples from Splice or whatever and arranging them, sure, latency means nothing, but it becomes pretty crucial when you're recording an instrument.
worthless-trash 29 days ago
Why would recording be the latency sensitive part, wouldnt it be the playback ?
itishappy 29 days ago
Delays can be compensated for during either recording or playback, the problem is when both at the same time. It just so happens that recording is typically done "in-the-loop" with the backing track being played through headphones during the session.
fnordlord 29 days ago
I'm guessing they mean the monitoring latency while recording. For me, that's one of the most vital parts of a recording environment. If I hit the key or the drum and hear it come through the headphones 50ms later, it's completely unuseable.
p0w3n3d 29 days ago
Not if multitrack recording. If you record it with different latencies you're toast.
jampekka 29 days ago
Not if you know the latencies.
tnolet 29 days ago
No, low latency is not needed for all non-realtime things. Even then, you are looking for latency compensation. Just add one VST plugin to an audio track and you will instantly add latency.

The crux is you want everything to play in sync when doing recording and overdubbing, e.g. "hit record and what I hear live is in sync with what I have recorded already". Almost all DAWs solve this by just starting things a bit later (latency compensation). Some audio cards solve this by allowing direct hardware monitoring. But even then you will have some samples of latency.

jcelerier 29 days ago
> Just add one VST plugin to an audio track and you will instantly add latency.

most plug-ins don't add latency ?

tnolet 29 days ago
All plugins add latency. They just report that in their API and your DAW compensates. There is no way eliminate CPU cycles being spent on whatever the plugin does.
jcelerier 27 days ago
I wrote a DAW (https://ossia.io) and a few dozen plugins (actually 150+ if I count the various small tests and examples in https://github.com/celtera/avendish) and I can assure you that most plug-ins don't add latency.

> There is no way eliminate CPU cycles being spent on whatever the plugin does.

that's not how DAW works, they don't output audio immediately anyways, everything is buffered at the driver level or just above so that there's always 1 or 2 buffers of delay between the input and the output. There's no difference in terms of latency between putting one or 50 bitcrushers in series for instance because in the end the audio main loop looks like (in a very simplified way):

    void process_soundcard_buffers(float** in, float** out, int samples) {
        for(int i = 0; i < samples; i++)  // samples would usually be the buffer size you set in your audio config
          out[0][0] = f(in[0][0]);
where f can be one distortion, or 50 distortions - what matters is that their processing time is < than the time you have to write the output and if so you'll always get the same fixed latency. (And if not so, you don't get delayed output, you get crackles because the soundcard will be reading its buffer whether you wrote something meaningful in it or not)
squeaky-clean 29 days ago
That's for plugins with an explicit fixed latency to use PDC. If a plugin doesn't request latency, which most do not, they have the duration of the DAW audio buffer to complete their processing. If the combined processing of all active plugins on a single thread exceeds the audio buffer duration you get audio drop-outs, or portions of the buffer which are just zeroes because they were unable to be processed in time.
beAbU 29 days ago
Most audio interfaces support direct monitor, so there is essentially zero latency between your source and the monitor when recording tracks. DAWs then allow you to set the latency as a "take nudge" where the take is immediately nudged by the known latency amount, so that when you play back your tracks they are in sync.

Lastly, some fancy interfaces have built in DSP, so that you can load your effects right in the interface, for when you want effects in your recording monitor feed...

So I dont think latency is that critical anymore, and with a decent interface its mostly sorted out.

Aldipower 29 days ago
Second this. You can even go down to exactly 0ms of latency, if you are using an analog mixer with multiple simultaneous output routes in front of your digital interface. One output route is for live monitoring the other is for live recording. The DAW just needs to latency compensate the "record head", which almost every professional DAW is doing of course. _Every_ studio is working like that. OK, a lot of studios have digital mixers nowadays, that adds maybe 2-4ms of latency, which is still ok.
Mashimo 29 days ago
Why do you need the lowest latency possible to operate a DAW?
TehCorwiz 29 days ago
There are three places to accumulate latency, the input from the instrument to the computer, the processing of filters, the output to the monitor (headphones/speakers)/recording. Sometimes you can get away with 2 or 3 ms of latency, but anything over 5 ms is super frustrating. Remember, you're fighting the latency between plucking a string or hitting a key and when the computer acknowledging the data and sending it back out to the monitor which you're using as your guide. Best case you go and "massage" the new track to line up with the existing tracks, worst case it sounds like an out of sync high school marching band.

EDIT: The concerns here are primarily with input latency. Between plucking a string and heading it in your monitor it has to go through: your input hardware, the USB interface, the OS, the browser (which doesn't have explicit low latency capabilities), and JS. Most platforms support ASIO which is a low-level driver for reading audio data from devices. About as close to reading the ADCs yourself. Without a low-latency driver working with the OS there's so much latency overhead it's audible.

29 days ago
bugbytz 29 days ago
Not to mention DPC latency for us Windows customers
IsTom 29 days ago
5 ms is 1.7 meters at speed of sound. If that was the issue then any acoustic live band would fall apart.

Jitter is a much bigger problem.

Aldipower 29 days ago
And it does. A live band on a bigger stage with improper monitoring (too far away, not existent) isn't fun to play in.
IsTom 29 days ago
That "bigger" is certainly more than two meters.
29 days ago
adriand 29 days ago
Not sure why you picked up downvotes on this comment because I think you’re right. 5 ms is not at all a lot of latency. I think even very exacting professional musicians would be hard pressed to detect it. At 128 samples and using the Push 3 as an audio interface on my M1, round trip latency is 13 ms, and even that is not a frustrating amount of latency.
IsTom 28 days ago
I think that there's just a lot of voodoo floating around regarding audio.
Mashimo 29 days ago

AFAIK ASIO is windows only.

TonyTrapp 29 days ago
ASIO was just one of the first audio APIs to provide high-quality, low-latency audio. Many people haven't realized that native audio APIs have moved on since then.

macOS has proper audio APIs out of the box, and arguably since the introduction of WASAPI exclusive mode and WaveRT in Windows Vista, Windows has all the needed tools as well. But most of the more "professional" DAW products (in particular those by Steinberg, the author of ASIO) seem to ignore the existence of those. REAPER is one of the exceptions. Even WASAPI shared mode latency is really usable (below 30ms), but not low enough for tightly synchronized real-time recording.

Linux audio can be set up to provide low-latency audio as well, but I cannot comment on the details there as I'm not using it for that purpose.

29 days ago
TehCorwiz 29 days ago
I think you're right. I remember trying to use it on Ubuntu about a decade ago, but it seems that was through some wrapper.
PaulDavisThe1st 29 days ago
There has never been ASIO on Linux. ASIO is a 3rd party (Steinberg) driver API exclusively for Windows.
TehCorwiz 29 days ago
I used WineASIO way back on Ubuntu 14. https://sourceforge.net/projects/wineasio/.

Checkmate ;) j/k

You're right, it's not natively on Linux, and you wouldn't use it on Linux today since the kernel supports lower latency IO and has better scheduling. Jack has gotten so much better. We didn't have that at the time and I was desperate to use the only interface card I had.

That said, there are plenty of open source implementations of ASIO drivers now that aren't hardware tied.

PaulDavisThe1st 29 days ago
> you wouldn't use it on Linux today since the kernel supports lower latency IO

Actually you absolutely would use it, in the same way you did back then.

WineASIO is a layer that allows a Wine application to use the ASIO API. Since ASIO is not a part of Windows itself, anything that wants to use ASIO can't do so on "bare Wine", and Wine doesn't allow for the installation of a windows kernel driver layer like ASIO. Hence: WineASIO - an implementation of ASIO for use by Windows applications running inside Wine.

Also, Ubuntu 14 dates to 2014; JACK dates back to 2002. Very little, if anything has changed about JACK since 2014. AFAIR, WineASIO could or did use JACK itself at some point in its development history, since it was a pretty natural fit.

I don't know of any open source ASIO implementations. The only 3rd party one of, ASIO4ALL, is not open source. Then again, I don't track the Windows environment much at all.

TehCorwiz 28 days ago
I was thinking of [FlexASIO](https://github.com/dechamps/FlexASIO) which links to a few other open source drivers in the read me.

You're right, Jack existed. I remember struggling to get it working though. Oh well, I'm quite a long ways form that career though. Rusty skills.

gordy_gordstein 29 days ago
JACK Audio Connection Kit is generally the way to go on Linux. Arch wiki has a page on "Professional Audio" with more detail for the curious.
wdfx 29 days ago
Because when you want to record your instrument along with whatever else is in your project, timing is critical and everything needs to line up.

You cannot be performing to audio that you are hearing with any delay, especially if the monitoring of the live audio is also being routed through software.

At a certain point of latency it introduced delays and badly affects how you perform. In some circumstances it makes performance actually impossible.

There are ways around this, namely if the software knows exactly what the input and output latency is then the playback and recording can be compensated. For live monitoring though you really need that done in the audio hardware itself in hard real time.

tigeba 29 days ago
Music is very latency sensitive. If you are recording any source you generally want to have overall latency < 5ms. Input and monitoring latency is usually either handled by using fancy DSP systems or a "hack" where input audio bypasses any internal processing and gets routed directly back for monitoring.
BizarroLand 27 days ago
I think the other people got a little too technical.

The reasons are things like, if you want to play in time with a previously recorded track, or if you are using digital effects and need to be able to hear their effect on your instrument as you play it.

Both of these are less of an issue today than they were 15 years ago where a USB 2.0 audio interface added significant delay into audio and made it harder to get what you wanted out of the system.

prmoustache 29 days ago
It is important if you are driving hardware synths and samplers through midi.

Otherwise latency is not really a problem.

wdfx 29 days ago
> Otherwise latency is not really a problem

This is absolutely not true. Latency in audio systems is important in almost every aspect of using a DAW

jcelerier 29 days ago
it's pretty hard for me as a musician to record guitar tracks in sync if I'm not getting the lowest latency through my computer (since I try to use e.g. software amp sims & pedals, etc.). Past ~8ms I feel it when I play, past 15ms I can hear the less accurate playing in the recorded tracks.
Aldipower 29 days ago
Use direct monitoring of your interface or an mixer in front of your interface. Then you can get away with 0ms (an analog mixer) or 2-4ms (interface direct monitor). Your DAW will latency compensate the "record head". It is just a matter of signal routing. It took me 20 years to get to this simple solution. :-D
jcelerier 27 days ago
> Use direct monitoring of your interface

but that doesn't allow me to have my (software) effects chain when I record ? for a guitar solo where i'm going to play with say, delays and whammys that's a no-go

29 days ago
Polarity 29 days ago
I think it’s time for a truly open Digital Audio Workstation one that’s actually usable, well-designed, functional, and free from logins, cloud dependencies, or mandatory subscriptions. Something you can simply download or access from any platform that supports a browser.

That’s why I really like the idea of building a DAW in the browser, it has huge potential for all kinds of users, especially in education, whether for kids, older people, or just anyone who wants to make music on the go, no matter what device they’re using.

I see a lot of promise in this project and fully support André, who has already contributed to developing great audio tools.

Parae 29 days ago
It already exists. It's called Ardour. Paul, the main developer is quite active on HN.
PaulDavisThe1st 29 days ago
I suspect the GP doesn't think much of Ardour's design :)
Aldipower 29 days ago
Try Bitwig under Linux. I am very happy with it.
LukaD 29 days ago
Polarity might be the most well known Bitwig user. Check out his identically named youtube channel where he often shows interesting Bitwig techiques.
Aldipower 28 days ago
OH! :-D
yokljo 29 days ago
I second Bitwig. It even works a little bit better on Linux in some ways than on Windows!
inatreecrown2 29 days ago
This is impressive but, why would I use this over other DAWs? Why name it openDAW if it is not open source?

edit: I like the idea of the "Discoverable Toys" and can see how this could develop into something new. But why not just concentrate on that and bring it to other DAWs in form of a plugin, instead of writing a whole new DAW in the browser?

mijoharas 29 days ago
Good question, I read the about page[0] which says:

> Will the DAW be open source from the start or only become open source later?

> To make the most of being open-source, we believe that there should be an appropriate infrastructure for documentation and quality assessment of code contributions. Our current focus is to lay the foundation for an MVP and release a public standalone version 1 by the end of the year.

So it seems that they intend to open source it later. Still a bit of a strange move, but fair enough I guess.

[0] https://opendaw.org/

Mashimo 29 days ago
> instead of writing a whole new DAW in the browser?

Ease of use. Login without installing anything, work on a project on the tabled on the train, later on continue the project without syncing it somehow, all while working in collaboration with a friend.

jampekka 29 days ago
I would welcome a new open source DAW. Ardour is the go-to option now, and is very capable, but it's starting to show its age and the UI is quite clunky (or an acquired taste at least).

Also the open source audio editor situation is quite dismal. Audacity is really the only game in town. It's showing its age too and its trajectory doesn't look great. A more editing-focused DAW, which OpenDAW seems to be, would be very welcome.

akx 29 days ago
We've had https://www.audiotool.com/ for 15 years...
Polarity 29 days ago
the developer of audiotool literally is the creator of openDAW
demarq 29 days ago
Definition of success. When people point to your competitor and the competitor is still you.
akx 29 days ago
Heh, the more you know! OpenDAW didn't make that obvious.
gordy_gordstein 29 days ago
And I've been trying to use it for 15 years, and each time I think "ok, next PC upgrade, this is gonna be sick!" ...and it's still molasses. Not even criticizing it. I've been pumped about it from the start, but it was asking a lot of the web as a platform 15 years ago.

This is featherweight in comparison, and a lot closer to a traditional DAW than audiotool's skeuomorphic virtual analogue approach.

gravitronic 29 days ago
hey, this is really nice. Have you seen web audio modules? https://webaudiomodules.com

It is an audio/video/midi plugin standard for the web and it is rather mature.

During covid I worked on a collaborative browser-based DAW, https://sequencer.party. I definitely bit off more than I could chew, but you can wire up plugin chains at least.

I would strongly suggest you consider adding webaudiomodule support and instantly get ~50 plugins supported in the DAW. I also packaged up a bunch of them ready for consumption here: https://github.com/boourns/wam-community

raggi 31 days ago
turnsout 29 days ago
Doesn't work in Safari. It reports "An important feature 'extended methods in iterators' is missing."

"Extended methods in iterators" sounds like a developer-experience quality of life feature that could be easily avoided.

Still, I'm happy to see that this seems to work in Firefox, so it's not Chrome-only.

handity 29 days ago
This is remarkably complete.

But it makes me question why "the browser" is apparently still the inevitable platform of the future.

In order for a PWA to be normal and usable, it must be available offline, open in a window without browser chrome, have similar performance to a native application, be launchable via a shortcut on the host OS, and respond to the mouse and keybaord shortcuts the way you'd expect. I think I've just described... an Electron app?

It's cool that this kind of thing can run in a web browser. With no install hurdle, it's much easier to convince people to try it out, and it's cross platform. Beyond that I can't really think of any advantages to having it run in the browser.

If what's lacking is an easy way to try software, I can't help but imagine lots of ways this could be addressed that would be much more pleasant to use than loading PWAs. Right now I can't seriously see myself enjoying using a PWA for work.

I say this having recently finished several large design projects in Figma, which is apparently a gold standard success story for browser based apps. Despite the years of development and herculean engineering efforts, I can still feel the browser jank. I begrudgingly open the thing in chrome, as it completely chokes in Firefox. It still chokes on moderately sized canvases, moving things is slow and laggy compared to native apps, keyboard shortcuts sometimes don't work or keys get stuck in a weird pressed or unpressed state, loading is slow, elements pop-in over tens of seconds.

I know I'm an old man yelling at clouds at this point, I'm just disappointed that we seem to be going backwards in performance and usability of software.

jampekka 29 days ago
> In order for a PWA to be normal and usable, it must be available offline, open in a window without browser chrome, have similar performance to a native application, be launchable via a shortcut on the host OS, and respond to the mouse and keybaord shortcuts the way you'd expect. I think I've just described... an Electron app?

You've just described a PWA. You can install them as a host OS shortcut, they run without browser chrome, should have performance equal to Electron.

Also if you really want extra bloat and faff, any PWA is trivial to turn into an Electron app.

Most of PWA criticism is based on misunderstanding PWA capabilities.

handity 29 days ago
I'm reassured that my comparison to Electron was not far off. My point was, if a PWA is usable when all the above is implemented, what you end up with is very similar to a self-updating Electron app, just one that may or may not rely much more heavily on the network at runtime and might work offline (or not).

I admit I didn't realize creating a shortcut to a PWA was already supported as it's not pushed very hard. In Chromium it's buried under dots, "Cast, Save and Share" (which is a bizarre mashup of disparate functions), and finally "Install page as app".

The window that loads still has browser chrome, in the form of a back, refresh, and three dots button. As soon as you navigate somewhere, even within the same app, the url bar appears again, but you can't edit it. It seems that to be able to always hide this bar, you'd need a way to differentiate between "internal" links that should navigate within the page, and external links that should open in a browser.

I tried turning off my internet, and neither figma nor openDAW showed anything more than a blank page, which confirms my feeling of uncertainty around PWAs, namely, how do you know what will actually work offline. It feels fragile, like if I reset my browser or my clear my cache, my installed applications will disappear. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the blurring of the lines between bookmarks and installed applications.

All this is of course addressable with a lot more infrastructure and work from browser and OS makers. To me it seems like a lot of development to end up with something that behaves a lot like Electron, with the added easteregg of being able to access applications in a browser, without intending that anybody actually do so.

jampekka 29 days ago
> just one that may or may not rely much more heavily on the network at runtime and might work offline (or not).

PWAs can run fully offline using service workers.


> In Chromium it's buried under dots, "Cast, Save and Share" (which is a bizarre mashup of disparate functions), and finally "Install page as app".

Chromium supports prompting the user to install the app. There's also an icon in the address bar if the page has an app manifest.



> The window that loads still has browser chrome, in the form of a back, refresh, and three dots button.

The window appearance and behavior can be changed using the app manifest, although getting rid of the three dots may be impossible in some platforms.


> I tried turning off my internet, and neither figma nor openDAW showed anything more than a blank page, which confirms my feeling of uncertainty around PWAs, namely, how do you know what will actually work offline.

Figma nor OpenDAW don't seem to be configured as offline PWAs.

> All this is of course addressable with a lot more infrastructure and work from browser and OS makers.

The problems you encountered are mostly solved in PWA APIs already, at least for Chromium based browsers. There is some variation in some features between browsers and OSs (Safari and iOS are particularly bad).

> To me it seems like a lot of development to end up with something that behaves a lot like Electron, with the added easteregg of being able to access applications in a browser, without intending that anybody actually do so.

PWAs are e.g. easier to install, have smaller footprint, are more portable and are a lot more secure. Not sure what you mean by "accessing applications in a browser". PWAs can't access anything a normal website can't.

zb3 29 days ago
> why "the browser" is apparently still the inevitable platform of the future.

Because it doesn't require trust. The browser actually got the permission model (almost - but there are extensions) right. I can safely open this and not worry about security.

archimedesIIX 27 days ago
Great discussion!

At Open Music Networks (OMN), we’re taking a different approach. We’re building a simple, more accessible DAW that lives in your browser and integrates with our new music co-creation platform. Connectivity with more powerful client-based DAWs is on the roadmap.

If you’d like to discuss or collaborate, feel free to email me at david@openmusic.io.

gordy_gordstein 29 days ago
At first glance, this looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. Would be nice if the built-in samples featured some one shots as opposed to just loops, though I haven't dove in deep enough to see if there are facilities for chopping up longer samples. Definitely plan to fool around with this some more after work and see what it can do.
jdefr89 29 days ago
Neat.. But.. Why? There are already a ton of DAWs and at this point all of them essentially support the same features and folks end up using all the same Waves VSTs... DAWs can be resource intensive when low latency is key (say recording vocals). Browser DAW ain't gonna do so well for that type of thing. Still cool though..
6stringmerc 29 days ago
I’m not being glib but a DAW that doesn’t run VSTs out of the box is like buying a car with no wheels on it. It’s technically a car but you can’t do what most people expect when they use it. Even Cool Edit Pro 2.0 had VST support in the early 2000s so I’m not off base here (and not endorsed by Reaper but endorse it).
shidoshi 29 days ago
Got a little beat going with it, but the lack of VSTs and fine-grained control will be limiting in the long run. It's a super cool in-browser demo though. Overall, I'm very positive on the efforts.
kundi 29 days ago
Impressive work. We would love to get this integrated into Formaviva (https://formaviva.com)

How could we get in touch with your team?

anthk 29 days ago
ORCA under Uxn (or a browser) it's far more fun.
sramsay 29 days ago
But is not, in any sense of the term, a DAW.
accounter8or 28 days ago
Amazing! Please setup a newsletter so we can be notified when it goes open source!
dnjdkdldh 31 days ago
Is this open source?

Does it support plugins?

rock_artist 29 days ago
> To make the most of being open-source, we believe that there should be an appropriate infrastructure for documentation and quality assessment of code contributions. Our current focus is to lay the foundation for an MVP and release a public standalone version 1 by the end of the year.

> If you want to help programming please be patient and wait for openDAW to be fully open-source. We will communicate this step loud and clear. Until then, we appreciate any feedback, testing and suggestions. Please log into our Discord server.

> Yes, the offline native app will have VST support at some point in future.

Source: https://opendaw.org (FAQ)

jacobgkau 29 days ago
That's a pretty weak response to "why isn't your product with Open in the name open-source yet." They don't need to provide documentation or accept code contributions at all in order to release the source code they're working on.

That kind of logic gives me the impression they may not ever open-source it if they get successful enough to sell it somehow (and, if it flops, it's a coin-flip as to whether or not they get around to open-sourcing it before it disappears).

twelvechairs 29 days ago
Does 'MVP' in this context mean they want to sell something as a business, or just that they want a good functioning version (like, be out of alpha stage)?
PaulDavisThe1st 29 days ago
Or they just read HN too much?
popalchemist 28 days ago
Did you make it?
catapart 29 days ago
I will never understand "music software" people. I just do NOT get where their heads are at, in any way, shape, or form. If you asked me to come up with the worst way to deal with audio in software, it would look very much like what most DAWs currently look like.

I say this as someone who makes music and records it on a PC (MacOs/Windows/Linux), AND as someone who makes software for those same OSes. Admittedly, I do not really mess with loops or synthesizers, so I acknowledge those use-cases as some that might actually seem reasonable with current DAWs, but I definitely do not "get" it. I get bored screwing with synthesizers/filters (funny noise machines), and I use loops mostly with simple sequencers. So most of my time is spent producing and managing waveforms. To that end, every DAW looks - to me - like a god damned file manager, rather than a space for making content.

I'd LOVE for one piece of software to treat me like a user, rather than an audio engineer. I need a timeline, sure, but FIRST I need to pick an instrument; either by plugging it in (and the software auto-recognizing it), or by selecting a synth. I also need to pick a controller, if it's a synth. THEN I need to be put into an area where I can immediately get feedback for that thing. I don't need it to ONLY play when I hit record, or when I'm logging to the timeline. I need to have an empty space where I can start doing "takes". Simple snippets that I can refer back to. Auto-split during "silence", so I don't have to scan through a massive timeline to find the bit I liked. Obviously the mixers and things need to be summonable, here, for tuning. But they don't necessarily need to already be present. I don't need 18 knobs for tuning while I'm scritching out a riff, or finding the melodic line with my voice. I need to be able to try a thing, edit the settings, try again, edit again, back and forth until I feel like I'm "here in the space".

Again, this is like...every recording studio I've ever been to. You take some time to get your gear set up and, while that's happening, you play the things and find your sound in this space. Yet every piece of audio software just pretends like all of their audio processing isn't a change to the "space". It treats audio input a kind of "pure" input which it will alter, but doesn't immediately let musicians get a feeling for that alteration. Instead, we get infinite complexity right up front because "that's how computers work" or "that's how the files are handled" or "it's based on older stuff that had such limited processing this was the only way it could be done; now people are used to it, so we can't change it".

All nonsense. I'm not asking for every DAW to be geared towards musicians, I'm asking for ONE. Let ProTools still be ProTools. Or Audacity still be Audacity. But I'd really love if someone could make software for a 6 year old to plug a guitar into and start playing.

*yes, I am in a position to make that kind of DAW, and yes I do have the requisite insight to build the thing I'm asking for. And, boy, if I ever get the time, it's on. But I won't be holding my breath for my other projects to clear out enough to make this happen.

gizajob 29 days ago
One of your main issues is describing art and music as “content”.

Ableton Live at least is a phenomenally powerful tool for arranging and recording music in a way that is completely elastic and transformative. I’ve been using it for over twenty years to make records and every time I’ve wanted it to do more, somehow those features have been magically added on every version without me having to ask.

The thing with any tool is that one has to know what result one wants rather than focussing on the method.

Your post reads like you should maybe think about doing creative things other than music. And I’m sure we’d be all ears for the improved DAW that you never got round to writing yet.

Apple also made that tool for six-year-olds and their guitars. It’s called GarageBand. Some of those six-year-olds have made albums with it.

catapart 29 days ago
I'm game: give me the steps it takes to get a kid with an electric guitar and an appropriate USB connection to A) start making noise with the guitar in the software, and then B) start filtering that noise to sound like electric guitar distortion.

My post reads like a person who has tried every DAW I know of and ended up with at least 10 steps (usually involving "sign up" and "log in" for no fucking reason), when there should only be 3: Plug in, open app, pick guitar.

I've mastered enough CONTENT to know that Ableton is great! Not just at MUSIC but at sound effects, at atmospheric/environmental engineering, too. But Ableton is still an engineer's software, not a musicians.

Again, I'm not complaining that the good things work good at what they're good at. I'm complaining that no one seems to be working on different good stuff for different kinds of people.

HelloNurse 29 days ago
10 steps are very few. The right combination of hardware and software allows plugging in the guitar and playing, but only after an unavoidable adventure in "computers are complicated" land.

The difficulty is essential: compared to plugging the guitar into an analog amplifier, you have a minimum of three devices (ADC with guitar-compatible input, computer including DAC, speakers), the user interface is virtualized, you need to find and install the right software (including device drivers).

So your kid with an electric guitar should either use analog amplifiers and effects, or borrow a good setup from some "engineer", or take advantage of their youthful stubbornness and enthusiasm to learn enough about the technical aspects you dislike.

gizajob 29 days ago
The people that made Ableton were musicians - see Monolake. I’ve used it for making psyche rock albums and I’m pretty sure I could use it for producing pretty well any kind or genre of music. I’m a musician primarily and not an engineer, so I’ve no idea what you’re talking about saying Ableton is an engineers software. Some of your point about Pro Tools is right because that’s completely hamstrung and backward due to it being from the era of Amigas and MacOS7. But modern alternatives exist that overcome that. It really sounds like you need to buy Ableton - it really is turn on, plug in, make music.
catapart 29 days ago
Again, I have Ableton. It's great software (for audio-engineer-inclined people).

Whether the people that made Ableton are musicians or not, or whether you're a musician, or not, is all irrelevant. They made software that is a thin layer over the literal functions of the machine because that's how all DAWs are made. "Don't fix what ain't broke." It's a great way to run a business. You learned their way of working, either from the software itself, or from other DAWs, and you like it. Great! Literally every musician for the past 2 decades has come to work with these DAWs, so it's not like working in a format for audio engineers is incompatible with being a musician. I'm quite certain it helps, actually.

But, again, none of that speaks to the complexity of using the software as someone who doesn't know anything about DAWs or modern audio software. I know a guy who can play the guitar beautifully; yet he can't figure out Ableton. I've sat him down multiple times and showed him some really cool stuff that he really liked, but he has never once not called me when he tried to use the software. Some people just aren't built like that. He is thinking about music in one form, and the computer wants him to formalize it in some different form. And he just can't or won't make the bridge.

And you may say: "well, fuck him; he should learn Ableton or be doomed to live without its benefits". More power to you. But I just wish there were something ELSE that would speak to him in his language.

PaulDavisThe1st 29 days ago
I think the deeper process here is this: if you're a musician and you start using a DAW, pretty soon you'll be an engineer, whether you intended to be or not.

In the days before DAWs, the role of musician and engineer were both critical for recorded music, but also mostly distinct. DAWs have changed that fundamentally because there's very little capital outlay required for the engineer's tools these days.

We've seen this over the years in Ardour. A musician wants a big red button and an application that will find their device signal all by itself. Two weeks later they want to use an EQ. Two months later they want to be to arrange whole sections. Two years later, and they don't like the pan power law and have some criticisms of the automation interpolation.

tonyarkles 29 days ago
> I think the deeper process here is this: if you're a musician and you start using a DAW, pretty soon you'll be an engineer, whether you intended to be or not.

There's a bunch of stuff like that happening in that industry as the equipment evolves. I've been doing software/networking/hardware for coming up on 30 years now. My wife's been doing mostly live audio/production with some recording for about the same amount of time. Starting about 10 years ago she had to start learning about networking. It started simple with things like setting up routers/WiFi access points for controlling consoles with iPads. Now with AES-67 she's had to learn a whole bunch about RTP, PTP, QoS, VLANs, DHCP, subnetting, etc. It's working out well for her, she's incredibly sharp and many of her peers come to her for advice/consultation when things aren't working right, but it was definitely not something she expected to need to learn. When everyone's stumped they give me a call... I don't know much at all about the audio side of it but a little bit of Wireshark can usually explain what's broken in their systems.

gizajob 29 days ago
What are you on about at this point. It’s just a rant. Buy a tape machine.
jacobgkau 29 days ago
You told a guy complaining that DAWs are too complicated that he should stop being a musician, and now you're telling him to use a tape machine. The entire point was that a program that's a drop-in replacement for a tape machine (or even simpler pieces of equipment) should exist, because it's not that complicated of a concept (even if you can make it complicated by nitpicking details of the execution).
gizajob 28 days ago
They do exist…
bugbytz 29 days ago
Still waiting on a “copy time” function to magically appear
wdfx 29 days ago
I understand the frustrations with the current DAW offerings. Many of them have a very long history in taking over where the analogue tape machine left off.

Some have developed much further though to support a more digital-first approach.

But it's true that the barrier to entry can still be very high. Trying to explain any of these packages to a musician who is not also a computer power user is extremely challenging, believe me I've tried.

If we could arrive at a point where a DAW can be intuitive to a musician and not technically overwhelming that would be very interesting.

What would be more interesting though would be if that same project could be viewed in an "engineer mode" which exposes the technical view for someone else to work on at a different level.

catapart 29 days ago
Exactly! It's too high a barrier to entry. And it doesn't matter how low that barrier is: if people won't use it due to it, that's too high. Crazy how much pushback I get on that idea.

As far as the "engineer mode" that's what I think galls me most: You can't really write audio software without all of the technical stuff so you're going to NEED that stuff anyway. AND, as someone matures in their musical ability, they often need to do more specific fine-tuning which would require those features. And that means that you could basically funnel non-audio-engineers into understanding at least the parts they need to make their own music when the time came. There's no better way to learn than to solve a "problem", even if that "problem" is just "how do I tighten up the high end on this so it makes this cool sound I want?"

In short: making a DAW for musicians is not only accessible to non-audio-engineers, it's also a gateway drug to semi-audio-engineers and their explorations. I'm just all for that!

wdfx 29 days ago
Dare I say it but perhaps some sort of natural language input would be interesting here.

If the software was primarily driven by a command list back-end, had a bunch of semi-preset solutions to common problems, and also could be "spoken to" - would that feel more comfortable for our musician user?

catapart 29 days ago
I could definitely see it! I would think that voice commands would be more for the musician side of it, such as "start", "stop", "cut", "redo", "alternate", stuff like that. Don't really need tensors for that. But yeah, once they have a question about "how do I...?", you can layer in some of the latest DeepSeek-style chain-of-thought stuff and probably get some actually useable results with it.

Still though, all of that is a layer AFTER that initial barrier to entry.

wdfx 29 days ago
> how do I...?

Even this is still a problem, because it's unlikely they know even what question to ask. Or if a sensible question is asked it may be an XY problem, where what is really intended is not what is asked.

Having thought about this for the last few minutes, it does seem inevitable that the software would have to start coaching the musician in the ways of the engineering and of "music software" people, so that the inputs become more accurate and aligned with the outcomes the software is capable of providing.

I think everyone would crave becoming more productive in the environment over time and not have to suffer the initial baby steps forever.

It's very difficult to imagine a DAW environment which exposes deeper functionality that is not already like a lot of the existing packages.

Edit: and one final thought - it's a hard environment to build by the nature of the work being done being a creative process with no correct answers and which needs to support a multitude of different approaches to creativity. It's pretty opposed to software being generally a machine with a fixed number of functions

cheeseomlit 29 days ago
This is how I feel about ableton every time I try it, the workflow and interface is just not intuitive to me and sucks the fun out of playing music. I landed on FL studio- it feels a lot more natural. If its good enough for soulja boy its good enough for me
duped 29 days ago
> 6 year old to plug a guitar into and start playing.

It's called MainStage, and it's an industry standard tool (although recording engineers probably never use it)

psytrancefan 27 days ago
I think the use cases are just too wide and varied. If someone made me the perfect DAW for my needs, it would be so narrow they would quickly go out of business.

The DAW has to cover so many different use cases and styles that I don't see how you can get around the complexity upfront.

A 6 year old could plug in a guitar and record the audio with any editing software. Once you want multiple tracks though and real time effects on those tracks and midi then you are already at the flavor of most DAWs.

HelloUsername 29 days ago
"reece" should be "reese"
spicy-punk-fog 29 days ago
Yay, let's totally try to cram things that don't belong there into a memory-hungry beast that eats gigabytes of RAM instead of using every available byte of it efficiently, and take away precious CPU cycles from running actual DSP and sacrifice them to all the web APIs, javascript engines, css and html parsers, svg renderers and other stuff one would never need in a sane DAW