February 22, 1985 Operation Beluga(todayinhistory.blog)
63 points by ZeljkoS 32 days ago | 7 comments
karamanolev 30 days ago
Before learning about this, I watched an episode of Octonauts (a children's animated series) with my 2-year-old that more or less had this exact story. I was stunned to learn it's basically true!
trhway 30 days ago
>So it was across her loudspeakers that music began to play. Rock & Roll, Russian folk tunes, marshall music, but the whales were especially responsive to classical.

transcending times and the interspecies boundaries.

dkga 30 days ago
Of course the first thing on my mind was Sean Connery dressed as a Soviet sub skipper, saying “… and listen to their rock’n’roll”.

Very interesting piece!

nelblu 30 days ago
Really love this story, while some humans are involved in destroying the planet at the same time there are some other humans who are trying to save another species. If for some reason we manage to destroy ourselves, I am hopeful there would be some life-forms that would survive and still keep our planet an interesting place until the sun devours us all. Thinking of the quote from Jurassic Park - "Life finds a way!"
fifilura 29 days ago
Russians doing something good and unselfish.

I am sure they are capable, but still, feels like a long time ago. (And indeed it is).

alehlopeh 29 days ago
In the half century or so preceding this, the USSR exterminated every last whale they could find.
adolph 30 days ago
And thus we see one chapter of the thousands across time in the story of how certain species have evolved to evoke benevolent reactions from humans.
close04 30 days ago
The second icebreaker pictured right below the snowmobile picture was commissioned in 1989 so it's there just for illustrative purpose?
aaron695 30 days ago