In most of the industries I work in we would never just send you our logs.
What stops me from building my own logger that sends a request to write a record to a DB and later asks an LLM what it means ?
Where is the pricing information?
Why do I need to login visit your homepage? How would I pitch this to my boss if they can’t read what it does ?
I see the landing page. The pricing should be clear though “ Contact Us” is scary.
Yep we have an on-prem offering as well, got similar notes from folks before!
> What stops me from building my own logger that sends a request to write a record to a DB and later asks an LLM what it means ?
Great question! The main limitation over brute force is the sheer volume of noise, and therefore relevant context. We tried this and realized it wasn't working. From a numbers perspective, at even just 10s of GBs/day scale of data (not even close to enterprise scale), mainstream LLMs can't provide the context windows you need for more than a few minutes of operational data. And larger models suffer from other factors (like attention diffusion / dilution & drift).
> I see the landing page. The pricing should be clear though “ Contact Us” is scary. Noted!
I hope my tone wasn’t too brash.
If you can update the pricing I might be able to pitch this to my org later this year. We’d definitely like an on prem solution though!
Log diving takes a lot of time especially during some kind of outage/downtime/bug where the whole team might be watching a screen share of someone diving into logs.
At the same time I am sceptical about "AI" especially if it is just an LLM stumbling around.
Understanding logs is probably the most brain intensive part of the job for me, more so than system design, project planning or coding.
This is because you need to know where the code is logging, imagine code paths in your head and you constantly see stuff that is a red herring or doesn't make sense.
I hope you can improve this space but it won't be easy!
As for the skepticism with LLMs stumbling around raw logs: it's super deserved. Even the developers who wrote the program often refer to larger app context when debugging, so it's not as easy as throwing a bunch of logs into an LLM. Plus, context window limits & the relative lack of "understanding" with increasingly larger contexts is troublesome.
We found it helped a lot to profile application logs over time. Think aggregation, but for individual flows rather than similar logs. By grouping and ordering flows together, it's bringing the context of thousands of (repetitive) logs down to the core flows. Much easier to find when things are out of the ordinary.
Still a lot of improvements in regards to false positives and variations in application flows.
You have to do this at the inception of the software you’re building rather then strap it on the donkey when something breaks (the usual way).
Moving fast has it's downsides and I can't say I blame people for deprioritizing good logging practices. But it does come back to bite...
Though as a caveat, you don't always have control over your logs -- especially with third party services, large but fragmented engineering organizations, etc. -- even with great internal practices, there's always something.
On another note, access to codebase + live logs gives room to develop better auto-instrumentation tooling. Though perhaps cursor could do a decent enough job at starting folks off
I agree, even when applicable LLMs are relegated to analyzing subselected data, so logs have to go somewhere else first. I think understanding logs is brain intensive because it can be a tricky problem. It gets easier with good tools, but often those tools are the kind that need to be used to build something else that solves the problem, rather than solve the problem themselves (e.g. building a good query + automation). I think LLMs can get better at creating the queries which would help a lot.
We started Gravwell to try bring some magic. It's a schema-on-read time-series data lake that will eat text or binary and comes in SaaS or self-hosted (on-prem). We built our backend from scratch to offer maximum flexibility in query. The search syntax looks like a linux command line, and kinda behaves like one too. Chain modules together to extract, filter, aggregate, enrich, etc. Automation system included. If you like Splunk, you should check us out.
There's a free community edition (personal or commercial use) for 2GB/day anon or 14GB/day w/ email. Tech docs are open at
I don't understand, what about that is a "silent failure"?
in order for your product to even know about it, wouldn't I need to write a log message for every single record update?
and if my architecture allows two microservices to update the same row in the same database...maybe it happening within 50ms is expected?
that could be an inefficient architecture for sure, but I'm confused as to whether your product is also trying to give me recommendations about "here's an architectural inefficiency we found based on feeding your logs to an LLM"
> You can then directly ask your logs questions like, “What's causing errors in our checkout service?” or “Why did latency spike at 2 AM?” and immediately receive insightful, actionable answers that you’d otherwise manually be searching for.
the general question I have with any product that's marketing itself as being "AI-powered" - how do hallucinations get resolved?
I already have human coworkers who will investigate some error or alert or performance problem, and come to an incorrect conclusion about the cause.
when that happens I can walk through their thought process and analysis chain with them and identify the gap that led them to the incorrect conclusion. often this is a useful signal that our system documentation needs to be updated, or log messages need to be clarified, or a dashboard should include a different metric, etc etc.
if I ask your product "what caused such-and-such outage" and the answer that comes back is incorrect, how do I "teach" it the correct answer?
Silent failures can be "allowed" behavior in your applications that aren't actually labeled as errors but can be irregular. Think race conditions, deadlocks, silent timeouts, or even just mislabeled error logs.
> in order for your product to even know about it, wouldn't I need to write a log message for every single record update?
That's right, and this may not always feasible (or necessary!), but if your application can be impacted by errors like these, perhaps it may be worth logging anyway.
> the general question I have with any product that's marketing itself as being "AI-powered" - how do hallucinations get resolved?
> and if my architecture allows two microservices to update the same row in the same database...maybe it happening within 50ms is expected?
> if I ask your product "what caused such-and-such outage" and the answer that comes back is incorrect, how do I "teach" it the correct answer?
For these concerns, human-in-loop feedback is our preliminary approach! We have our own internally running to account for changes and false errors, but having explanations from human input (even as simple as "Not an error" or "Missed error" buttons) is very helpful.
> when that happens I can walk through their thought process and analysis chain with them and identify the gap that led them to the incorrect conclusion. often this is a useful signal that our system documentation needs to be updated, or log messages need to be clarified, or a dashboard should include a different metric, etc etc.
Got it, I imagine it'll be very helpful for us to display our chain of thought from our dashboards too. Great feedback, thank you!
I agree that those are bad things.
but how does your product help me with them?
I have some code that has a deadlock. are you suggesting that I can find the deadlock by shipping my logs to a 3rd-party service that will feed them into an LLM?
There was no GH link for your npm dep so maybe they're both private. Although npmjs shows your npm one as ISC licensed, likely because of the default in package.json
And Kudos to SigNoz as well - have to check out other folks in the space :)
It is also good for finding out what the buffering story is, because I would want to know if I'm dragging in an unbounded queue into my app (putting memory pressure on me) or knowing that your service returning 503s is going to eat logs. The kind of thing that only looking at the source would say for sure because the docs don't even hint at such operational concerns
Anyway, the only reason I mentioned the dead link is because your PyPI page linked to GH in the first place. So if you don't intend people to think there's supposed to be a repo, then I'd suggest removing the repo link
Logs were a natural starting point because that’s where developers often spend a significant amount of time stuck reading & searching for the right information, manually tracking down issues + jumping between logs across services. In a way, just finding & summarizing relevant logs for the user gave people an easier time debugging.
But metrics will introduce more dimensions to establish baseline behavior, so we're pretty excited about it too.
I guess it may be the case that you really know who your target is, but why miss the majority of the market and position yourself as pepsi on the same stroke?
Would you like me to create a transport for it (I'm not implying I'd be charging to do this; it'd be free)?
The benefit of LogLayer is that they'd just use the loglayer library to make their log calls and it ships it to whatever transports they have defined for it. Better than having them manage two separate loggers (eg Sift and Pino for example) or write their own wrapper.
let storedNumber = getCookie("countingNumber"); let startNumber = storedNumber !== null ? storedNumber : Math.floor(Math.random() * (10300000 - 10000000 + 1)) + 10000000; let currentNumber = startNumber; function updateNumber() { let randomIncrement = Math.floor(Math.random() * (275 - 101 + 1)) + 101; currentNumber += randomIncrement; element.textContent = formatNumber(currentNumber); setCookie("countingNumber", currentNumber, 7); // Save number in cookie for 7 days } element.textContent = formatNumber(currentNumber); setInterval(updateNumber, 1000);
You said AI-driven analysis to identify logs, but I'm already skeptical of AI doing tasks like this, and you obfuscate it further by not actually showing me how it works, just another generic abstract marketing design graphic.
I dunno. It just seems like vaporware-as-a-service from the design vibes.
That's one reason why Launch HNs usually include a demo video. That's the link you should be clicking on if you want to see these guys' product. If you do that, you'll see that it isn't vaporware.
We also advise startups doing Launch HNs to provide a link for users to try the product (preferably without a signup gate, but that's not always doable). There's such a link in the text above as well.
I suppose one way to avoid complaints about stub websites would be not to link to them at all—but then other comments would say "why would I trust you, you don't even have a website"!
Edit: I've replaced with in the text above. Perhaps that will help.
These, coupled with the random number generator to claim how many logs they're processing makes me wonder if the entire product is just AI generated slop.
I'm guessing they lost a wealth of great talent due to this test on how to support a platform that they give to fresh off the street applicants rather than having even a modicum of training about their product. They want you to study it for free, probably as a marketing tactic - but also so they don't have to pay to train employees. it's great like cancer.
Disclaimer: I have never applied to a role with datadog, nor interviewed with them. Just had multiple friends complete the process with mixed results. Seems like you need to put in ~two full weeks of self directed study to pass their on site interview 'exam' where they don't tell you about the exam being 100% or fail (but it is!)